Thursday, November 08, 2012

startup e small talk

Comincio ad essere infastidito da tutte le chiacchiere di politici e consulenti intorno a startup, smart cities, ecc.

Chi fa davvero le startup non ha tempo da perdere in convegni e incontri.

Real Startups Just Keep Coding

Brian Helmig, co-founder Zapier
I’m a bit of a cynic, but at least for me, politics tends to be a bit of a distraction. Of course, I understand that many of the issues are incredibly important, but my disinterest is purely practical and not ideological. When customers need support, code needs written, and servers need upgrading, the political process seems far removed from my daily reality. So, like most of us, I watched the spectacle with a detached curiosity and then got back to work.

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